Fun Senior-Friendly Winter Weather Activities

Author: Caring Hearts Premier Home Care |

Blog by Caring Hearts Premier Home Care

Seniors lucky enough to live in the Palm Desert area don’t usually have to worry about treacherous winter ice and snow. But winter in warm climates can be treacherous in other ways. While younger family members are out enjoying hikes, swimming, biking, or other activities they can’t do so easily in the summer heat, many elders experience isolation. Isolation can be detrimental to mental health. Try some of these senior-friendly winter weather activities to keep your loved ones safe and engaged.

Get Crafty

Winter is a perfect time to take up crafting. Choose something appropriate for your senior’s abilities. People with arthritis in their hands may have a hard time with crafts that require manipulating tiny components.

But never fear; creative seniors can make sewn toys for grandchildren from felt and batting with large stitching. Knitting, crocheting, and sculpting in clay are also good options. Many adults find adult coloring books a soothing way to pass the time. Frame finished pages and give them as gifts to family members.

Join An Online Book Club or Attend Lectures

Keeping an active intellectual life is critical for seniors’ cognitive and emotional health. Many seniors are very technologically adept and will immediately take to the idea of joining an online book club.

If virtual communication doesn’t appeal to your elders, volunteer to take them to a lecture at the local library or community center on a subject of interest to them. Many libraries, recreation departments, botanical gardens, and museums have enrichment activities specifically designed for seniors to provide engagement through the winter months.


Explore new recipes or learn favorites from your older friend or family member. In fact, family recipes make great gifts. Help your elders organize and copy cherished family secrets for baking cookies, loaves of bread, cakes, and other treats. They will be happy to share their expertise in creating signature family treats.

Keep Exercising

Fresh air is good for what ails you, a common adage among many grandparents. Winter in Palm Desert and Orange County can bring a welcome relief from the searing heat of summer. Sometimes, however, winter brings torrential rain to southern California. But don’t abandon outdoor activities out of fear of slip and fall injuries on wet surfaces.

With proper preparation and planning to avoid areas prone to flooding in a sudden downpour, seniors can enjoy walking, shopping, and visiting local nature reserves in the winter. Caregivers can also guide your loved ones on safe, cleared paths.

Encourage Journaling

Many seniors are reluctant to share the details of their life stories. But family history is fascinating to younger generations, and elders have experience and wisdom that is valuable to the younger family members.

Encourage your senior family members to write down their life stories. There are even pre-formatted, bound journals with prompts that can get an older relative started on filling in the details of their life’s history for younger generations to appreciate.

Caring Hearts Premier Home Care provides senior home care services in Palm Desert, Orange County, and nearby areas. Our caregivers provide companionship to keep seniors engaged and active in winter and all year round.